This is my espresso machine at home. I use this every morning when no one is up yet. The interaction I have with this machine is a very private and personal experience for me. The moment when the coffee starts flow, I always put my nose as close as possible and try to enjoy the aroma of coffee. It is always fresh and wakes me up. It is one of the happy moments in my daily life.
The first image is just a normal shot of my machine. It clearly shows what I am trying to show. However, it does not have any main object in here. Both the machine and my sugar jars have similar value in this image. It neither has any movement and story nor reminds me of my personal feelings for this object.
The second image is much more compelling to me. It can be my sight when I brew my coffee. Through emphasizing one part of the object, this image leads my whole attention to the machine. Now, the machine has a great contrast with the background of the image. It pops up from the rest of the image and let me know where I should focus on. Both the horizontal image and the dispenser drop my attention naturally down to the coffee. The color and the texture provide me a sense of the aroma from the coffee. This image is also telling me a story. It seems like somebody is using the machine now and the natural focus of the lever on the top visually express somebody’s trace. I can feel the interaction between human and machine very closely. With a good emphasis of the main objects, natural flow from the top to bottom, this image provides me a very warm and intimate story. It is definitely a much more compelling image than first image.